Round where we come from, if a restaurant doesn't have Fried Chicken, it's not a restaurant.

Seventy percent of the earth is covered by water. Sounds like it's time to go fishin'!

Donuts sing a siren song of yummyness. Those who hear it know what we mean.

Bacon is the most powerful substance in the universe. Even people who are stuffed will consider some additional morsel... if it has bacon on it. Can you get bacon from a cow? No, only pigs. Can you get bacon from a dog? No, once he has it in his mouth, it is pretty much gone.

"Country" Fried Steak or "Chicken" Fried Steak? It's one of those questions we all must answer at some point in our lives.

Now we don't take sides, unless they are mashed potatoes, corn, and greens.

Did you know, that the American tenderloin is what is known in Europe as the "Wiener Schnitzel"?

Better call Sigmund Fried!

As your mother likely said, "Eat Your Vegetables!"

So, here you have them, and other vegetarian delights.

Novelty is in the eye of the be-holder, but in this case it is in the stomach of the be-eater.

Here is where you will find fried candy bars, fried prairie oysters, and other off-beat delights

Fried Cheese, Fried Cornbread, and a whole lot more!


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